IRS Issues Final Regulations for Material Advisors, Accountants, Attorneys and Insurance Agents -

IRS Issues Final Regulations for Material Advisors, Accountants, Attorneys and Insurance Agents -

If you sold, advised on or had anything to do with a listed transaction you will be fined by the IRS. For those that bought listed transactions like, 419 welfare benefit plans or 412i plans, you have been or will also be fined.

On July 30, 2014, the Internal Revenue Service issued final regulations regarding the imposition of penalties under Internal Revenue Code section 6707 against material advisors who fail to file true, complete or timely disclosure returns with respect to reportable or listed transactions. The effective date of the final regulations is July 31, 2014.

1 comment:

  1. Failing to File Form 8886 for VEBAs like Sea Nine VEBA create multiple penalties.

    Taxpayers who participate in 419A(f)(6) multiple employer plans like the Sea Nine VEBA are often very discouraged to find the IRS applying multiple penalties for the failure to file a form that they had no reason to know was required. The form, IRS Form 8886 is required for all taxpayers who participate in a listed transaction such as a multiple employer welfare benefit plan (or 419 plan). The following example illustrates the penalties that can apply.

    Assume we have an S corporation taxpayer who deducted $100,000 to a multiple employer 419 VEBA for years 2008, 2009 and 2010. The IRS audits the taxpayer and disallows the $100,000 deduction. In most cases, the IRS will provide for the adjustment at the individual 1040 level and other than some interest, the taxpayer will be in a position similar to if the transaction had not occurred. If, however, the taxpayer was not told to file Form 8886 for every year of participation and in fact did not file, the IRS asserts the following additional penalties:

    A $10,000 penalty at the S Corporation level for years 2008 – 2010 for the failure to file Form 8886. Total Penalty = $30,000. See Code Section 6707A.
    A penalty at the individual level of 75% of the tax benefit for years 2008-2010 for the failure to file Form 8886. This translates into a penalty of $26,250 for each year. Total Penalty = $78,750. See Code Section 6707A.
    An accuracy related penalty of 30% of the income tax adjustment for years 2008-2010. The worst part of this penalty is that if the taxpayer exercised due diligence and relied on an outside advisor, this penalty would normally be 20% of the tax and could be waived. However, because the Form 8886 was not filed, the penalty is 30% and cannot be waived. Total Penalty = $31,500. See Code Section 6662A.
    Grand Total of all Penalties = $140,250 (nearly 50% of the total investment)!
    Taxpayers facing these penalties should seek representation with respect to defending their case before the IRS and considering responsibility for the penalty by other parties.
