Abusive Tax Shelters: Big Trouble Ahead For 412i and 419 Plan Participants - Lance Wallach

Abusive Tax Shelters: Big Trouble Ahead For 412i and 419 Plan Participants - Lance Wallach

1 comment:

  1. ust a few years ago, captive insurance companies were a hot news item in the arcane world of abusive tax shelters. Sleazy promoters were signing up small businesses in droves. If you created a cell captive as a property and casualty loss management tool, it’s probably legitimate. If you “bought” an off the shelf captive from a promoter who promised tax savings, there is a good chance you own an abusive tax shelter.

    After the initial wave of fraud and audits, many of the bad promoters went away. New reports suggest that captives are again making a comeback. And with the next generation of captives will come the inevitable fraudsters looking to catch a free ride on the resurgent popularity of these products.

    The new wave of captive insurance companies are sometimes called cell captive insurance companies or “group captives.” We have also seen them called rent-a-captive, segregated account companies, segregated portfolio companies and incorporated protected cell companies. Whatever they are called, if properly set up they can be completely legal and valuable risk management tool.

    The IRS issued a bulletin in 2008 to give guidance on these products including whether premiums can be deductible as insurance costs. The IRS says there must be adequate risk shifting and distribution to be considered “insurance.”

    The scam promotions typically offer to shelter a large sum of money by calling it an insurance premium. The premium is usually

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